
Dr. Carlos Illich Navarro board certified plastic surgeon offers mommy makeover surgery, breast augmentation, liposuction, breast lift, tummy tuck, brazilian butt lift, vaginal rejuvenation

The comfort and effectiveness of plastic surgery procedures rely heavily on the doctor’s skill. At Mommy Makeover Tijuana we have been performing liposuction in Tijuana for many years and we are considered one of the best plastic surgery practices in the area.

Liposuction is a cosmetic surgical procedure for removing exorbitant amounts of unwanted fat tissue. Liposuction actively slims areas of the body while reshaping them to a more desired appearance.

With liposuction, patients can experience more desirable body shape and feel more secure with their image. The most popular areas where people want to reduce fat by having liposuction are:

  • Waist
  • Flanks
  • Hips
  • Upper Arms
  • Lower Abdomen
  • Upper Abdomen
  • Buttocks
  • Inner Thighs
  • Outer Thighs
  • Lower Legs

Liposuction Candidates

Ideal candidates for liposuction in Tijuana are within 30 pounds of their ideal weight and have maintained a stable weight for minimally three months.

Liposuction is not a procedure for weight loss, but for body contouring, so this should be kept in mind while considering undergoing this procedure.

An online consultation with Dr. Sergio Romero will reveal whether you are candidate for liposuction. Meet with us to find out which of our several body sculpting procedures offered at Mommy Makeover Tijuana would be most effective for you.

Candidates should also:

  • Be non-smokers
  • Have no medical conditions that could prohibit surgery
  • Be mentally and physically healthy
  • Have realistic goals
  • Be looking for body contouring results as opposed to weight loss

Areas Addressed with Liposuction

Liposuction, as a popular procedure, is sometimes coupled with other procedures including breast reductions and tummy tucks. The reason lies behind the versatility of the procedure.

Liposuction can address many problem areas during one procedure. You can combine other treatments with your liposuction procedure to improve different areas of the body.

Because liposuction is helps to reduce localized tissue, it can target multiple areas including:

  • Tissue in the abdomen
  • Fatty deposits in the thighs, hips and buttocks
  • Small excesses around the chin, neck, or cheeks
  • Breast and chest tissue
  • Under and upper arm regions
  • Pockets around the knees, calves and ankles

Liposuction Procedures

Like most inpatient procedures, liposuction maintains a specific set of steps. Some variation of these steps may be used during your surgery, depending on your individual needs and predetermined desires.

Patients will be under a general anesthesia or sedation during surgery. Once patients are sleeping, liposuction is performed using a thin hollow tube, known a cannula.

The cannula is inserted through incisions and loosens up the unwanted fat tissue. Once this fat tissue is loosened, Dr. Romero will suction out the fat from the body.

The surgery can vary in time, according to the amount of tissue removed as well as the number of areas where liposuction is used.

The actual procedure, the incision making and tissue removal, necessitates a 2 or 3 hour period. However, a patient can expect to remain in the facility anywhere between 3 or 7 hours.

Liposuction Recovery

The recovery process for liposuction will depend on your individual surgery and the areas affected. After your surgery is completed, bandages will be placed over each of the treated areas. You may also be provided with a garment for swelling compression, depending on the extent of your liposuction procedure.

Dr. Sergio Romero will inform you about incision care, medication, and follow up appointments before you leave the facility. Patients may feel well enough for work a few days after surgery.

However, you may experience side effects like bruising or swelling for a few weeks. Your results, in their entirety, should fully heal within a month or two post-surgery.

After your initial consultation you may be asked to stop or reduce how much you take of certain medications or supplements that thin the blood for a period of time prior to surgery.

Make advance preparations by arranging to have a friend or family member pick you up after surgery and to assist you during the first few days of your recovery.

The risks associated with liposuction are minimal, especially when you have chosen to have liposuction performed by a board-certified and experienced surgeon.

Possible risks could include bruising, swelling, bleeding and infection. Other risks could be uneven contours or asymmetrical results, or numbness in the treated areas.

There are a few different types of liposuction available. Each technique has its merits and having an open conversation with a board-certified plastic surgeon will help determine which is right for you.

However, almost all liposuction methods involve safely and carefully infiltrating a solution of saline, epinephrine and lidocaine into the fat prior to aspirating/sucking out the fat. This standard of care applies to just about all liposuction cases.

The more common type of liposuction is power-assisted liposuction, which involves the insertion of a very small, thin tube called a cannula to break apart the fat by vibrating very rapidly. The fat is then suctioned from the body. This is typically a quicker and more precise method of liposuction.